Should E-Books Be Cheaper Than Printed Books?

I had an interesting email yesterday from Amazon’s KDP support team (KDP is Amazon’s self publishing program). I’ve spent a lot of time over the past few years working on programs that teach people how to self publish through services such as Amazon KDP, so I have an interest in what’s going on in the self…

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SendGrid Event Webhook – PHP Example

I’ve been on the Internet since the late 80’s and an Internet Service Provider since the mid 90’s, so I’ve always had an interest in email deliverability, diagnosing delivery issues and efficiency of email delivery mechanisms. I use websites such as MX Toolbox, and to make sure our email reputation is good as this…

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Ian Thorpe Is Gay. And…?

We were treated today to the revelation that Ian Thorpe is gay. I bet they’re seriously peeved at Channel 10 that, after leaving us hanging on the edges of our seats all week, it’s now been reported all over the world – well ahead of tonight’s ‘drop the bombshell’ interview with Parkinson. You have to…

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Really Stupid Things Politicians Say…

I think it’s becoming more and more clear as the months go by that Tony Abbott is our Australian version of George W Bush. What, with the ‘suppository of wisdom’ comment, ‘shit happens’ and the revelation that Japan is our ‘best friend’ in Asia he’s building quite a portfolio of gaffs and silly remarks. It’s…

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Another Attempt At Blogging

Over the years I’ve created a few personal blogs all with the same distinct feature – I write for a while and then stop! This time around I’m going to write about anything and everything without any specific format, topic or plan. We’ll see you long that lasts…

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